Blog Post 1#
So, I've just finished my first year of sixth form and now moving on to my A2 courses (scary how fast times flying). Last year, I completely HATED psychology, so after completely crossing psychology out of my studies, I decided i should move on to something completely new. So Digital Media came to mind. When i was told about the course, it sounded like it was just for me. I see myself as a bubbly girl who likes to put my mind to it. So with digital media, i thought it was different from a course which had a boring set structure. For me, i can originate my work and 'bubble' it up, if you like. If I'm honest, before this course, i knew absolutely nothing about digital media. So, I'm really looking forward to getting to know the different aspects of digital media and exploring the different ideas i can use to achieve in my last year of school. If I'm entirely honest, i have no clue what i'm doing after my A-levels. Am i alone on that one? However, i do know that i want a job which challenges me with something different each day. But for now, lets see what happens in the next year and which paths I'm going to take. I''m so excited to see where things lead.
With Digital Media being a 1 year course, it will be interesting to see how much this course influences me and my decisions for next year. Ok, so now for a bit of information about the course. In year 1, we're going to have 3 different units. The first one, is Unit 1 which is the actually exam we will be taking. This is worth 50% of our course and is based on media products and audience. For this unit, I'm a bit nervous. I've never been the best in exam conditions. 99% of the time, my nerves get the better of me. Its one of those situations where i feel very enclosed and i struggle to fully concentrate, stupid nerves. This year I'm determined for that not to happen. Lets see how thats one goes down. The next unit is Unit 3. This is based on creating a media product, which is 33% of our course. This is course work based and will be presented using a blog, which VOILA, you're on it now.
Welcome To My Blog By The Way!!
The last unit is Unit 21, this is where we have to plan and deliver a pitch for a media product. This units worth only 17%, but yet again ill be working on this blog, showing you everything (and i mean everything!) I'm going to be doing throughout the year. I'll try to spear you with any dull bits that we may come across, don't worry. This year, I'm going to have 2 teachers, Miss Cluley and Miss Richardson. So by the end of the school year, after 6 hours of lessons a week and many more hours spent in my free time, my entire blog will be assessed by examiners (Nerves kicking in again here), they'll be viewing my entire blog, lets see what they think. So, if I'm going to get a good grade in this course, I'm going to be spending a bajillion hours on this blog. Which isn't so bad as i can near enough access it anywhere will my Macbook. But also the Academy has the Media Hub open to use on a regular basis. Here, i can go in and have full focus on my digital media work, and only us Digital Media students can access this, which is Wonderfuuullllll.
When it comes to cameras, filming and editing, I'm not a professional. So to be fair, ill be doing things my own way, the best i can, so please don't judge! The only experience I've had with that kind of stuff is with my friends. We're typical girls, we like Snapchat, we like Selfies, yes, we like taking hundreds of photos until we get the perfect one for Instagram, but apart from that, thats the only experience I've had with cameras. Probably, my favourite memory of photography was this summer with the girls. This was a pretty good photo opportunity. The five of us went out in to the garden, with a completely clear sky. We let off loads and loads of lanterns in all different colours. It was a typical summer moment, and it was amazing to have captured it with loads of photos, and i mean loads. For many people, a picture is taken for Instagram. For me,photos are taken for memories. My wall is full of photos, i find it hard to delete photos when i run out of storage, because for me every single photo, blurry, boring, and perfect, they all have something to say. I think thats my favourite thing about photography and media!
When it comes to films, I'm in love with fairytales and happy endings. Dirty dancing, The Amazing Spider Man (I know Gwen dies but it's still MY FAVOURITE FILM EVER), Hand me anything other, that will be straight in the bin. I don't think i can explain why i love these films. I'm a sucker for a happy ending lets just say. Probably gives you a good idea though of the kind of girl i am. When it comes to programmes, i hardly watch any. A typical night in for me involves Netflix (with loadssss of Ben & Jerry's) and Sleep, so for me i never watch programmes. Probably the only time i watch programmes is when i sit down stairs with my family - who are (FYI) Maddd!! But for me, coronation street and all them aren't really my cup of tea. I'm in to lots of the gossip magazines, OK magazine is a big one for me. I like to keep up to date with all the fashion trends and whats happening with the celebrities. Even though, we all know what a bit of photoshop looks like, But i suppose thats all part of digital media...
I'm most interested in Audio-visual based media more than print based media. This is probably because so many messages can get across to the viewers through audio-visual based media. In my eyes, print based media is limited, as much as i loveeee photography. I think sound has a huge impact on a message that is trying to be put across to a certain audience. Show me a chunk of media with a heart warming song, you've got me! but i think that proves one of the main purposes of media products. They carry messages as a way to gain the correct reactions. To be shocked, to cry, to be mad, to be happy, any kind of message is capable of being sent to an audience through audio-visual media, well it can in my eyes anyway, don't know about yours?
Well, anyway guys, welcome to my blog.
Blog Post 1# - Complete.